It's Wednesday again! I'm sending love and positive vibes you guys way...hoping that this hump day gets you through yet another awesome week! Being that is IS Wednesday, that means that there is another wonderful woman that I have to share with you!!
You know, as the saying goes, "change your thinking and it will change your life" you believe that?? I do. Totally. Some times you have to let go or release certain people, places AND things in order to progress in life or just get to another chapter in the book of life, per se...that includes and personal practices and thought processes as well. Growth!
As I go through my own personal journey of growth and change, I have come across new interesting people, places, as well as new things! I had the pleasure of crossing paths with Lilith Shakti of Indigenous Naturals. Lilith is a Houston native(Acres Homes) and a mother of 4. She has been studying/practicing holistically since high school! She began her womb care studies when her daughter was diagnosed with a "chemical imbalance" at 4 years old. She wanted to find a way to cater to her daughter's needs; with out medicine. She stated that her daughter began her cycle at an early age and she needed to be able to help her daughter with her personal hygiene as well as her menstruation/PMS symptoms.
Indigenous focuses on all things regarding natural women's hygiene and womb care. What is "womb care" you ask? Well, to take care of our womb(the uterus; a place of origination and development)!
According to Lilith, it is important because, "not only do we receive our partners and carry our children, but we process and heal through our wombs. We are happy or unhappy. You can always tell what a woman is going through by how she carries herself and her view on things." So it is important that we care for our inner self as well as the outer.
The Indigenous brand encompasses care of your mind, body and spirit. Under the Indigenous umbrella are:
Indigenous Naturals- body products (bath scrubs and milks etc...)
Indigenous Wellness- womb care services (i.e Yoni steaming & yoni eggs)
Indigenous Wellness Institute- which offers classes to provide the services that she offers as well as certifications in yoga, touch therapy, and making natural body care products.
Lilith offers a WIDE variety of care products and services.
Some of the services that Lilith offers are:
Yoni Yoga- a combo of breathing, kegels, and mind stimulation exercises.
Guided Meditation- 45 min meditation, focusing on quieting your mind and visualization.
Mommy Doula- In which she serves as a Doula (a woman who is trained to assist another woman during childbirth and who may provide support to the family after the baby is born.) In which she offers assistance 3 months before and after a baby is born in to a family.
How awesome is THAT?
What is a YONI , you ask?? A yoni is a
Hindu word that represents a woman's vagina.
Ever hear of a "Yoni egg"? Well me either until I met Lilith! When she was initially telling me, I was like ,"You want me to put what and where??" But it definitely sparked an interest and I had to do a little research. Yay for growth, because a few years ago? She would have gotten a "GIRL BYE!" After researching, I decided to give it a try! I'm so glad I did.
Yoni Eggs are actual gem stones( jade, rose quartz etc.) in the shape of eggs that women insert into their vagina/yoni. These eggs have been used for centuries by women who knew that keeping good female wellness is the key to universal well being.
There are MANY benefits of using a yoni egg such as:
-strengthens your pelvic floor muscles
-tighten and moisten your Yoni
-improve your pelvic awareness
-increase blood circulation of your genitals
-support your urinary and digestive organs
-clear blockages, and ultimately
-cultivate your sensitivity, leading to
an experience of heightened pleasure
-increase your self-love,
-feel your own vibrations, step into your feminine power.
Surprisingly, you don't even have to inset the egg to benefit from it. As long as you have it NEAR you like in your pocket, bra, or even your purse...Shoot, I had mine in my purse a few days and I SWEAR I noticed a change in not only myself but my surroundings! My attitude was better, I was more open to talking and socializing in social settings, I was meeting great new people...and that was just from being in my purse! Yea I haven't graduated to "inserting" it just yet....
This is the Yoni egg that I have, each gem has different "powers". You pick the stone you will benefit from most
Although yoni eggs are very popular, the yoni scrub is Lilith's most requested item. The Yoni scrub is a body scrub, made of all natural ingredients(oils, butters and exfoliants) used to treat eczema, sun burn and other skin conditions.
Her most requested service is the Intuitive Yoni Steam. A steam is basically a medicinal, herbal, steam facial for the vagina. It is used to treat things such as:
Irregular and painful periods
• Vaginal cysts
• Infertility
• Bladder and yeast infections
• Hemorrhoids
• Uterine fibroid
• Scarring from childbirth, hysterectomies and laroscopies
A yoni steam before use
A yoni steam before use
Lilith has a goal to be "Relevant and available to all sister queens needing her services." She aspires to be pure, simple, and true as she services all women that she comes in contact with.
Her future goal is to be able to offer knowledge, train and nurture other women with a pure intent to heal wombs, so that they can be able to carry out the practices and beliefs of indigenous; unfortunately she can't heal all us all!
I'm sure your mind is all over the place after all of that new information!
Please feel free to check out her etsy store:
Follow her on instagram @iamlilithshaki
As well as LIKE her Facebook page
Lilith Shakti to keep up with all things indigenous such as products new and old, events, and when you can join her and her sister queens on "wine and writing Wednesdays" (a writing cypher where women gather, write, sing, release energy and vibes and have wine!)
Lilith, the sister Queen herself!
Lilith, the sister Queen herself!
Meet Lilith here and watch our YouTube video!
I really hope I brought you guys some new info and you will take it and use it as you feel need. Just open your minds...think a little. Doesn't mean you'll turn into a mini Erykah Badu, lol. Doesn't mean you have to change your religion. Do a little research like I did and see how you can benefit from any if not all of these services/products mentioned above. You can always contact me with any questions as well as reach out to the REAL expert, Lilith. It is definitely a lot to take in but I think it is very useful! Have a wonderful rest of the week!
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